Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Good morning folks..
These petunias remind me of God's love.
 They are flowing over & beyond the container--the flower box.
His love is amazing. He plants a small seed  in each of us & waters it with love and grace.
What shall we do with this wonderful gift?
Shall we keep all to ourselves, 
refusing to share the joy that has been given to us
or shall we live out the Great Commission given to those of us who believe?
The Great Commission asks us to go out and share the Good News 
with the lost, but that doesn't necessary mean exclusively overseas to 3rd world countries though that is admirable. Your world begins with you, your family, your friends and the circle grows.
If you can't show love to those near to you 
how can you love those who speak
a language you do not know.
Ah, heavy stuff for a Tuesday morning, let's get back to OVERFLOW.
God's love is exceedingly and abundantly more than enough for us.
He loves you. He loves you. He loves you. Soak in it. 
Share the overflow. Pour it out on all you meet.
Be Blessed.